iPhone 4 and 4S Battery Case Hidden Camera

Availability: In stock
SKU: EL_48246


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Phone in Covert Video

With the iPhone 4 Battery Case Hidden Camera, covert recording is so simple you can just phone it in. Take one-touch snapshots without pulling up your phone’s camera, or leave the case out to capture up to 3 hours of video. What makes this hidden camera so special is that it will automatically orient itself based on its positioning, meaning you won’t be stuck with hours of sideways video.

Perfect for monitoring a nanny or potential thief, the iPhone 4 Battery Case Hidden Camera records either 1080p or 720p high-definition video, and features a low-light recording mode. It also features 16GB of internal storage, so you never have to worry about running out of room. This case is compatible with iPhone 4 and 4S models, but it doesn’t require a phone to function; just leave the case out on your desk and it will still provide the same high-quality monitoring even without a phone.


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