High-End Stylish Glasses DVR Camera

Availability: In stock
SKU: EL_57782


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These High-End Covert Eyeglasses Combine Style with Surveillance

No one would suspect that you’re wearing the ultimate in portable surveillance. Capture important footage anywhere while wearing these stylish glasses. Need a quick leave-behind cam? Place them on a table or even set them on your car’s dashboard. It’s hard to believe that professional grade surveillance can be this simple.

With the Stylish Glasses DVR Camera you can easily:

Capture footage in high definition anywhere you go
Go virtually undetected wearing attractive everyday eyeglasses
Record continuous video or take snapshots

What makes the Stylish Glasses DVR Camera different from other covert models?

More realistic and fashionable than other models
Professional grade surveillance
Truly high-end glasses include a stylish carrying case

Note that this camera does not record audio.


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